Blackberries are the bane of my existence. Blackberries do not grow in nice, polite rows like raspberries and strawberries or on orderly round bushes like blueberries. No, they are the heathens of the berry world. In the pacific northwest they grow like weeds, prickly cane after prickly cane rambling over to overtake my dandelion filled yard. Every summer, I try to fight them, and every summer I lose. Day by day they encroach more and more. The only redeeming quality they have is that they taste good and make a mighty fine pie.
“Vengeance is mine”, sayeth the architect mom after taking my first bite of blackberry pie in August.
“Amazing “, is how Coco describes her bite of pie.
A little bit of solace in the never ending battle with the blackberry.
Vengeful Blackberry Pie
- 1 recipe of double pie crust
- 5 cups blackberries
- 1 to 1 1/2 cups sugar (depending on the berry)
- 2 T. flour
- 1 T. cornstarch
- 1-2 T. tapioca
- 2 T. butter, cut into small pieces
Cooking Directions:
- Line a pie pan with pie crust.
- Mix together blackberries, sugar, flour, cornstarch and tapioca. The flour, cornstarch and tapioca is my friend Lynn\’s belt and suspenders approach to fighting runny pies and it works! But, just use 1/4 cup flour if you don\’t have cornstarch or tapioca around. Let stand about 15 minutes.
- Put berries in the pie shell, dot with butter and cover with the other crust. Vent the crust.
- Bake for 10 minutes at 450 degrees and then 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees.
- Enjoy!