Vespas, men in scarves and Michelangelo’s David can all be found in one place – Florence (Firenze), Italy. We all met there for Miss G.’s spring break last week; it was a glorious week that also happened to contain the day Miss G. turned 20, which also happens to be the day of our wedding anniversary. I’ll share our itinerary in detail in next week’s post.

One evening we took a group cooking lesson on pizza and gelato at In Tavola cooking school; I’ll save the gelato and pizza recipes for warmer weather, though. I will say that the Lieutenant and I both wanted to take home the $20,000 gelato machine. The hit of the evening for the kids, though, was the chocolately salame dolce or “sweet salami”; a no bake cookie concoction that Mr. D. swears rivals our chocolate no bakes. I think this is sacrilege – nothing can rival chocolate no bakes. Nevertheless, salame dolce is pretty good stuff & a quick, easy to make dessert. Mr. D. whipped up a batch our first day home….
Salame Dolce (Sweet Salami)
from the In Tavola recipe booklet
- 100 g. (1/2 cup) sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 150 g. (10.5 T) butter, melted but not hot
- 2 t. (or a little more) cocoa powder
- 1/4 to 1/3 cup sweet marsala wine
- 200 g. Marie cookies, finely ground, or another shortbread type of cookie – I used Lorna Doones
Cooking Directions:
- Mix the egg yolks and sugar together until the mixture is creamy; add the melted butter, cocoa, liquor and cookies.
- Mix until the dough is firm – add more cookies if necessary.
- Shape into the form of a salami and wrap in plastic wrap or foil; chill for several hours.
- Serve slices well chilled.